Digital tachometercontactThe DT901 is a contact digital handed tachometer.
Employing the special coupling drivers it is possibile to measure a rotation speed between 1-19999 rev/min, or a translation speed within 0,1-1999,9 meters/minute (by the means of a 10 cm.development wheel, with convertion factor equal to 0,1).
The microprocessor realization, allows a wide measure range with high resolution and accuracy: these features, combined with low cost performance make the DT901 an ideal instrument to measure speeds and adjusting operations on field.
■ The instrument storages automatically the last reading and also max. and minimum values. Such parameters can be recalled on a second time pushing the special key.
■ The self switch-off function, besides its useful employment, allows to endure bacteries life.
■ The instrument is set into a strong ergonomic shock-proof self exstinguishing plastic case and it is set inside a useful bag where all the fittings are keeped.
m/min da 0,1 a 99,99 - 0,1 m/min da 100,0 a 1999,9